"Museo dei dolmen" (Dolmen Museum) is a virtual museum of Mediterranean and Western Europe prehistory and early history, set up and directed by Federico Bardanzellu.


Dolmen Museum     


Prehistory and Early History of the Mediterranean and Western Europe   



  Museo dei Dolmen

The Sardinian-Corsican dolmen structures  appear:

  • facilities geared to specific astronomical events;

  • religious shrines of the Prehistoric era;

  • structures arranged along a path that passes through the Strait of Bonifacio, thus constituting a pilgrimage route , like the medieval Via Francigena or Camino de Santiago de Compostela;

  • family burial of the dominant clan.


Inside the route, some locations may have a very special religious significance, such as Luras (four structures), the area around Buddusò (eleven), around Berchidda (thirteen) and Corsican site Sartene-Filitosa.   >Read More


The dating of Corsican dolmen,  based on the astronomical target, are on average more recent than the Sardinians, and they seem largely realized in the full Bronze Age. This phenomenon seems to presume  an Iberian origin of the structures which  has reached first Sardinia, then Corsica.


As in Sardinia, the buildings seem to be part of a clear path in Corsica too, departing from the strait Palau-Porto Vecchio.    >Read More



Credits - Text di  Federico Bardanzellu  2011      facebook